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dCommunity Hub

Bridging the gap between
legacy and emerging systems

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Web3 Solutions and Onboarding

dCommunity is a web3 service provider and community builder focused on helping business, brands and influencers engage with their customers, fans and followers

Small Businesses and Brands​


Teams and Organizations

Empowering Individuals, Businesses and Brands

Take the first step on your web3 journey. We are here to help

What is MetaMask

Where to Start

Get My MetaMask

Brand Your Wallet

Amazing new products are being rolled out as the Metaverse of Web3 is built.

dCommunity is a place to learn and participate in the benefits of this technology adoption.

Join us to be a part of our future success

We are a Web3 service provider

Allowing Users and Clients to participate in, and benefit from; large “consortium” level blockchain solutions.


The tech research firm Gartner predicts that the business value added by blockchain will grow to $38 billion by 2021, surging to $360 billion by 2026, and to over $3 trillion by 2030.

We are a Fun Community

Where members can learn, earn, participate and grow.

It's not only cryptocurrency

Allowing Users and Clients to participate in, and benefit from; large “consortium” level blockchain solutions.


Why dCommunity?​

Be the digital gateway for your community

dHub DEC Member

Earn a percentage of all data and advertising revenue while creating revenue for your neighbors.

Local Businesses

Strengthen relationships with your customers and create new revenue streams from larger brands

Users and Teams

Reclaim power over your time and attention. Big tech and data have monetized these for too long. Now, those revenues will circulate through your community.

Local Businesses can now advertise locally, as well as get feedback straight from their local community.
Teams and Organizations will benefit from the ability to post information to the community AND get businesses to sponsor them.

We are here to help


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